Termeni si conditii

Ultima modificare: 1 martie 2012

Bun venit la Google!

Vă mulÅ£umim pentru utilizarea produselor ÅŸi a serviciilor noastre („Serviciile”). Serviciile sunt oferite de Google Inc. („Google”), cu sediul în 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, Statele Unite ale Americii.

Prin utilizarea Serviciilor noastre, sunteÅ£i de acord cu prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii. Vă rugăm să îi citiÅ£i cu atenÅ£ie.

Serviciile noastre sunt variate ÅŸi, prin urmare, este posibil ca uneori să se aplice Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii suplimentare sau cerinÅ£e suplimentare pentru produse (inclusiv cerinÅ£e referitoare la vârstă). În cazul anumitor Servicii, există Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii suplimentare, iar, dacă utilizaÅ£i acele Servicii, Termenii ÅŸi condiÅ£iile suplimentare respective fac parte din contractul dintre dvs. ÅŸi Google.

Utilizarea Serviciilor noastre

Trebuie să respectaÅ£i toate politicile puse la dispoziÅ£ie în cadrul Serviciilor.

Nu utilizaÅ£i Serviciile în mod necorespunzător. De exemplu, nu încercaÅ£i să influenÅ£aÅ£i Serviciile sau să le accesaÅ£i în alt mod decât prin interfaÅ£a ÅŸi prin instrucÅ£iunile oferite de Google. PuteÅ£i utiliza Serviciile numai conform legii, inclusiv conform legilor ÅŸi reglementărilor aplicabile pentru controlul exporturilor ÅŸi al reexporturilor. Putem întrerupe sau înceta furnizarea Serviciilor către dvs. dacă nu respectaÅ£i Termenii ÅŸi condiÅ£iile sau politicile noastre ori în cazul în care investigăm un comportament suspectat ca fiind necorespunzător.

Utilizarea Serviciilor nu vă oferă niciun drept de proprietate intelectuală asupra acestora sau asupra conÅ£inutului pe care îl accesaÅ£i. Nu aveÅ£i dreptul să utilizaÅ£i conÅ£inutul din cadrul Serviciilor noastre, cu excepÅ£ia cazului în care obÅ£ineÅ£i permisiunea din partea proprietarului conÅ£inutului sau dacă acest lucru vi se permite prin lege. PrezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii nu vă acordă dreptul de a utiliza nicio marcă sau siglă din cadrul Serviciilor. Nu eliminaÅ£i, nu ascundeÅ£i ÅŸi nu modificaÅ£i nicio menÅ£iune legală afiÅŸată în cadrul sau împreună cu Serviciile.

Serviciile noastre afiÅŸează un anumit conÅ£inut care nu aparÅ£ine Google. Responsabilitatea pentru acest conÅ£inut revine exclusiv entităţii care îl pune la dispoziÅ£ie. Putem examina conÅ£inutul pentru a stabili dacă este ilegal sau dacă încalcă politicile noastre ÅŸi putem elimina sau refuza să afişăm conÅ£inutul despre care considerăm, în mod rezonabil, că încalcă politicile noastre ori legea. Însă acest lucru nu înseamnă neapărat că examinăm conÅ£inutul; prin urmare, nu presupuneÅ£i că îl examinăm.

În ceea ce priveÅŸte utilizarea Serviciilor de către dvs., putem să vă trimitem anunÅ£uri privind serviciile, mesaje administrative ÅŸi alte informaÅ£ii. PuteÅ£i renunÅ£a la unele dintre aceste comunicări.

Contul dvs. Google

Pentru a utiliza unele dintre Servicii, poate fi necesar un Cont Google. PuteÅ£i să vă creaÅ£i propriul Cont Google sau Contul Google vă poate fi atribuit de un administrator, cum ar fi angajatorul sau instituÅ£ia dvs. de învăţământ. Dacă utilizaÅ£i un Cont Google atribuit de un administrator, se pot aplica Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii diferite sau suplimentare, iar administratorul poate avea dreptul să vă acceseze sau să vă dezactiveze contul.

Dacă aflaţi despre o utilizare neautorizată a parolei sau a contului dvs., urmaţi aceste instrucţiuni.

Protejarea confidenţialităţii şi a drepturilor de autor

Politicile de confidenÅ£ialitate Google explică modul în care tratăm datele dvs. cu caracter personal ÅŸi în care vă protejăm confidenÅ£ialitatea atunci când utilizaÅ£i Serviciile noastre. Prin utilizarea Serviciilor noastre, sunteÅ£i de acord că Google poate să utilizeze datele respective conform politicilor noastre de confidenÅ£ialitate.

Răspundem notificărilor cu privire la posibilele încălcări ale drepturilor de autor ÅŸi desfiinţăm conturile utilizatorilor care încalcă în mod repetat drepturile de autor, conform prevederilor cuprinse în Legea privind drepturile de autor digitale (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) din S.U.A.

Oferim informaÅ£ii care ajută proprietarii drepturilor de autor să îÅŸi gestioneze proprietatea intelectuală online. În cazul în care consideraÅ£i că vă sunt încălcate drepturile de autor ÅŸi doriÅ£i să ne înÅŸtiinÅ£aÅ£i, puteÅ£i găsi informaÅ£ii despre trimiterea notificărilor ÅŸi despre politica Google cu privire la răspunsul la notificări în Centrul nostru de ajutor.

ConÅ£inutul dvs. în cadrul Serviciilor noastre

Anumite Servicii vă permit să trimiteÅ£i conÅ£inut. Vă păstraÅ£i toate drepturile de proprietate intelectuală deÅ£inute asupra conÅ£inutului respectiv. Pe scurt, tot ceea ce vă aparÅ£ine rămâne în proprietatea dvs.

Când încărcaÅ£i sau trimiteÅ£i conÅ£inut în alt mod în cadrul Serviciilor, acordaÅ£i Google (ÅŸi părÅ£ilor cu care lucrăm) o licenţă globală pentru utilizarea, găzduirea, stocarea, reproducerea, modificarea, crearea de lucrări derivate (cum ar fi cele rezultate din traduceri, adaptări sau alte modificări pe care le efectuăm pentru ca respectivul conÅ£inut să funcÅ£ioneze mai bine cu Serviciile noastre), comunicarea, publicarea, executarea publică, afiÅŸarea publică ÅŸi distribuirea respectivului conÅ£inut. Drepturile pe care le acordaÅ£i în cadrul acestei licenÅ£e au scopul limitat de operare, promovare ÅŸi îmbunătăţire a Serviciilor, precum ÅŸi de dezvoltare a unor servicii noi. Această licenţă rămâne în vigoare chiar dacă nu mai utilizaÅ£i Serviciile noastre (de exemplu, pentru înregistrarea unei companii pe care aÅ£i adăugat-o la HărÅ£i Google). Anumite Servicii vă pot oferi modalităţi de accesare ÅŸi de eliminare a conÅ£inutului furnizat către respectivul Serviciu. De asemenea, anumite Servicii au Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii sau setări care restrâng domeniul de utilizare a conÅ£inutului trimis în cadrul respectivelor Servicii. AsiguraÅ£i-vă că deÅ£ineÅ£i drepturile necesare pentru a ne acorda această licenţă pentru întregul conÅ£inut pe care îl trimiteÅ£i către Serviciile noastre.

PuteÅ£i afla mai multe informaÅ£ii despre modul în care Google utilizează ÅŸi stochează conÅ£inutul în politica de confidenÅ£ialitate sau în Termenii ÅŸi condiÅ£iile suplimentare pentru anumite Servicii. Dacă trimiteÅ£i feedback sau sugestii despre Servicii, putem utiliza feedbackul sau sugestiile respective fără a avea nicio obligaÅ£ie faţă de dvs.

Despre programele software din cadrul Serviciilor

Când un anumit Serviciu necesită sau include programe software descărcabile, respectivul program software se poate actualiza automat pe dispozitivul dvs. atunci când devine disponibilă o versiune sau o funcÅ£ie nouă. Anumite Servicii vă pot permite să vă configuraÅ£i setările pentru actualizarea automată.

Google vă oferă o licenţă personală, globală, scutită de redevenÅ£e, netransmisibilă ÅŸi neexclusivă pentru a utiliza programul software furnizat de Google ca parte a Serviciilor. Această licenţă are unicul scop de a vă permite să utilizaÅ£i ÅŸi să vă bucuraÅ£i de beneficiile Serviciilor, aÅŸa cum sunt acestea furnizate de Google, în modul permis de prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii. Nu aveÅ£i dreptul să copiaÅ£i, să modificaÅ£i, să distribuiÅ£i, să vindeÅ£i sau să închiriaÅ£i nicio parte a Serviciilor ÅŸi a programelor software incluse; nu aveÅ£i dreptul să refaceÅ£i sau să încercaÅ£i să extrageÅ£i codul sursă al respectivului program software, cu excepÅ£ia cazurilor în care legislaÅ£ia nu permite aceste restricÅ£ionări sau a cazurilor în care aveÅ£i permisiunea scrisă din partea noastră.

Programele software open source sunt importante pentru noi. Unele dintre programele software utilizate în cadrul Serviciilor noastre pot fi oferite în baza unei licenÅ£e open source pe care o vom pune la dispoziÅ£ia dvs. LicenÅ£a open source poate include prevederi care prevalează în mod expres asupra unora dintre prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii.

Modificarea ÅŸi încetarea furnizării Serviciilor

Modificăm ÅŸi îmbunătăţim în mod constant Serviciile. Putem să adăugăm sau să eliminăm funcÅ£ionalităţi ori funcÅ£ii; de asemenea, putem să suspendăm sau să întrerupem complet furnizarea unui Serviciu.

PuteÅ£i să renunÅ£aÅ£i oricând la utilizarea Serviciilor noastre, însă ne va părea rău să nu mai colaborăm cu dvs. De asemenea, Google poate întrerupe furnizarea Serviciilor către dvs. sau poate adăuga ori stabili în orice moment noi limite pentru Serviciile respective.

Considerăm că dvs. sunteÅ£i proprietarul propriilor date, iar păstrarea accesului la datele respective este un lucru important. Dacă întrerupem furnizarea unui Serviciu, în situaÅ£iile când acest lucru este posibil în mod rezonabil, vă vom notifica în prealabil ÅŸi în mod rezonabil ÅŸi vă vom oferi posibilitatea de a prelua informaÅ£iile din cadrul respectivului Serviciu.

Garanţii şi declinarea responsabilităţii

Furnizăm Serviciile la un nivel de aptitudine ÅŸi atenÅ£ie rezonabil din punct de vedere comercial ÅŸi sperăm că vă va face plăcere să le utilizaÅ£i. Dar, există anumite lucruri pe care nu le putem promite în legătură cu Serviciile.



Răspunderea pentru Serviciile noastre




Utilizarea Serviciilor noastre pentru afaceri

Dacă utilizaÅ£i Serviciile noastre în numele unei companii, compania respectivă acceptă prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii. Compania respectivă va apăra ÅŸi va despăgubi Google, afiliaÅ£ii, funcÅ£ionarii, agenÅ£ii ÅŸi angajaÅ£ii acesteia împotriva oricăror pretenÅ£ii, procese sau acÅ£iuni rezultate din sau în legătură cu utilizarea Serviciilor sau cu încălcarea prezenÅ£ilor Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii, inclusiv toate răspunderile sau cheltuielile rezultate din pretenÅ£iile, pierderile, daunele, procesele, penalizările, costurile de judecată ÅŸi onorariile avocaÅ£ilor.

Despre prezenţii Termeni şi condiţii

Putem să modificăm prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii ÅŸi Termenii ÅŸi condiÅ£iile suplimentare care se aplică unui Serviciu, de exemplu, pentru a corespunde schimbărilor survenite la nivelul legislaÅ£iei sau al Serviciilor noastre. ConsultaÅ£i periodic Termenii ÅŸi condiÅ£iile. Pe această pagină vom posta notificările privind modificările prezenÅ£ilor Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii. Vom posta notificările cu privire la modificarea Termenilor ÅŸi condiÅ£iilor suplimentare în cadrul Serviciului în cauză. Modificările nu se vor aplica retroactiv ÅŸi vor intra în vigoare în termen de minimum paisprezece zile după postare. TotuÅŸi, modificările aferente funcÅ£iilor noi ale unui Serviciu ÅŸi cele din motive legale vor intra în vigoare imediat. Dacă nu sunteÅ£i de acord cu modificările aduse Termenilor ÅŸi condiÅ£iilor aferente unui Serviciu, vă sugerăm să întrerupeÅ£i utilizarea Serviciului respectiv.

În cazul unei discrepanÅ£e între prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii ÅŸi Termenii ÅŸi condiÅ£iile suplimentare, vor prevala Termenii ÅŸi condiÅ£iile suplimentare.

Prezenţii Termeni şi condiţii reglementează relaţia dintre Google şi dvs. Aceştia nu creează niciun fel de drepturi pentru terţi beneficiari.

Dacă nu respectaÅ£i prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii ÅŸi nu luăm măsuri imediate, nu înseamnă că renunţăm la drepturile pe care le avem (de exemplu, dreptul de a lua măsuri pe viitor).

Dacă anumiţi termeni şi anumite condiţii se dovedesc a fi inaplicabili, aceasta nu va afecta restul Termenilor şi condiţiilor.

În cazul litigiilor survenite din sau asociate cu prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii sau cu Serviciile, se va aplica legislaÅ£ia statului California, S.U.A., cu excepÅ£ia reglementărilor statului California cu privire la conflictul de legi. Toate pretenÅ£iile rezultate din sau în legătură cu prezenÅ£ii Termeni ÅŸi condiÅ£ii sau cu Serviciile vor fi judecate exclusiv de instanÅ£ele federale sau statale din districtul Santa Clara, California, S.U.A., iar dvs. ÅŸi Google sunteÅ£i de acord cu jurisdicÅ£ia personală a respectivelor instanÅ£e.

Pentru informaÅ£ii despre modul în care puteÅ£i să contactaÅ£i Google, accesaÅ£i pagina noastră de contact.

© MolFarmGrup.md 2013. All rights reserved
Livestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from MoldovaLivestock, bulls, sheep, farm, meat, beef, lamb, live animals, export, animals, agriculture, ecological meat, bio meat, moldova, from, allive cattle, ecological, bio, Livestock from Moldova, bulls from Moldova, sheep from Moldova Farms from Moldova , allive cattle from Moldova, Meat from Moldova, Beef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from Moldova, Live animals from Moldova, export of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldova, livestock exporting company from Moldova, agriculture in Moldova, export from Moldova, animals for export from Moldova, exporting farms from Moldova, ecological meat from Moldova, bio meat from MoldovaLivestockbullssheepfarmmeatbeeflamblive animalsexportanimalsagricultureecological meatbio meatmoldovafromallive cattleecologicalbioLivestock from Moldovabulls from Moldovasheep from Moldova Farms from Moldovaallive cattle from MoldovaMeat from MoldovaBeef and lamb from Moldova green houses in Moldova Humus from MoldovaLive animals from Moldovaexport of animals from Moldova export of bulls from Moldovalivestock exporting company from Moldovaagriculture in Moldovaexport from Moldovaanimals for export from Moldovaexporting farms from Moldovaecological meat from Moldovabio meat from Moldova